Monday, May 16, 2011

The Fall of Grace

In a world where beauty reigns
Grace felt her life was plain
How difficult to live in shame
So she decided to find fame
She looked in the mirror and saw a girl
Who wasn’t worth so much as a pearl
She wanted to see the whole world
So chose to let herself unfurl
She went to the store to buy some makeup
For her appearance she could shakeup
Under Grace’s disguise their was a new demeanor
Someone whose actions were that of a preener
Yet, this vanity would be her demise
Her decisions to alter herself have been unwise
With beauty came fortune, and fortune brought love
She looked down at everyone as if from above
She spent all her time staring at a mirror
So much, in fact, no one would come near
Forsaken and alone, she was destroyed
Now, even her image could not bring her joy

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